World Contraception Day - September 26
Thu, Sep 26, 2024

World Contraception Day

World Contraception Day is held every year on September 26th. The first time the event was held in 2006 under the slogan “Contraception is your life, your responsibility.” The event was founded by several major international organizations dealing with family planning issues.


This day preaches an important principle all people on the planet must adhere to – pregnancy must be planned and desired by both parents. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness about the methods of contraception available today, as well as provide complete information about reproductive health, potentially avoiding unplanned conception. This will help to significantly reduce the number of abortions.

Useful information about contraception

  • The use of contraceptives reduces maternal mortality by 40%.
  • A survey of women showed almost 86% changed their method of contraception at least twice.
  • There is no universal method of contraception. About 77% of women experienced discomfort when using a particular method, so they went to the doctor to change it.
  • There is no contraceptive that is 100% effective, so none of the methods can protect completely against unwanted pregnancy.
  • Highly effective methods include IUDs and implants – their effectiveness is about 99%.

How to take part

Remember, fertility is a collective responsibility, so it is important to spread the word about the holiday through all available channels. Talk to your doctor about birth control methods and find the best one for you. Join a family planning organization and, of course, talk to your partner about conceiving and having a baby.

When is World Contraception Day in 2024?

World Contraception Day is observed on September 26 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday September 26 2024
Friday September 26 2025
Saturday September 26 2026
Sunday September 26 2027
Tuesday September 26 2028
Wednesday September 26 2029

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