Wear a Star Day - April 12
Sat, Apr 12, 2025

Wear a Star Day

Wear a Star Day is an American day of remembrance dedicated to all children who have passed away. Let’s unite today and honor the children who have left us before they had the chance to grow up. This is the greatest grief for parents, a sorrow that, unfortunately, will always exist. Accidents, armed conflicts, and diseases are eternal companions of humanity. It is observed annually on April 12.


Wear a Star Day has been recognized since 2010, but the exact time of its creation and the identity of its creators remain unknown. A small star is chosen as the symbol of the day, which is worn on clothing. It symbolizes one of the children who passed away, a “little star” that never got to grow bigger and shine in the world.

The greatest number of child deaths is recorded in underdeveloped and poor countries. Children die from hunger, disease, and other causes. Natural disasters and military conflicts, where children are separated from their parents, lose their homes, and suffer in many other ways, also contribute significantly to child mortality.

Society can improve living conditions in different parts of the world, but it is not yet possible everywhere. On this day, we gather to honor all children who have passed away.

Interesting Facts

  • Thanks to modern medicine, it has been possible to reduce infant mortality at birth by more than 40% compared to data from 50 years ago.
  • Annual child mortality rates have decreased by at least 0.8% compared to previous data.

How to Celebrate

Support families you know who have recently lost a child. Learn more about infant mortality statistics in your country or city.

Spread the word about Wear a Star Day on social media. Let more people know about it!

When is Wear a Star Day in 2025?

Wear a Star Day is observed on April 12 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday April 12 2025
Sunday April 12 2026
Monday April 12 2027
Wednesday April 12 2028
Thursday April 12 2029

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