Take Your Dog to Work Day - June
Fri, Jun 21, 2024

Take Your Dog to Work Day

On the first Friday after Father’s Day, save your pet from loneliness and tell them the good news: they will accompany you, as this is Take Your Dog to Work Day and an opportunity to show your animal the big world!


This holiday was established in 1999 as an incentive to attract people to solve the problem of stray animals. The goal is to prove dogs are great friends. They help and support their owners, giving them positive emotions.

Interesting Facts

It is important to ensure the dog does not have access to poisonous plants and substances.

  1. For dog training to be effective, you need to follow the reward system.
  2. A well-executed command promises a reward in the form of a treat.
  3. If the dog gets into a fight, it is necessary to loosen the leash. This movement deprives the dog of the feeling of support that it feels when pulling on the leash.

Dogs participate in events, exhibitions, and parades. Competing in appearance and obedience, the participants may win awards.

How to Take Part

Grab toys and a couch. Let your dog get comfortable in your office. An environment of familiar things and smells allows it to become calmer and more confident. If colleagues bring their dogs, your four-legged friend will start playing and have a great time. Contact a shelter and help stray dogs find a master and a friend.

When is Take Your Dog to Work Day in 2024?

Take Your Dog to Work Day is observed on the first Friday after Father’s Day.


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