Revenge of the Fifth - May 5
Mon, May 5, 2025

Revenge of the Fifth

Revenge of the Fifth is a celebration for Star Wars fans. It is believed that they join the dark side on this day.


May 4th is known as Star Wars Day. It was chosen because of the catchphrase “May the Force be with you.” But why Revenge of the Fifth? It is a wordplay on “Revenge of the Sith,” the third episode, released in 2005.

Some people consider May 5 not the best date. On this day, people in Mexico, the United States, and other countries celebrate Cinco de Mayo—the victory over the French army in 1862. Some believe Revenge of the Sixth would be more fitting.

Interesting Facts

Did you know?

  • Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen had two months of intense fencing training. The speed at which they fight is their actual speed, without digital acceleration.
  • The images of Mustafar’s volcano are actual footage of Mount Etna in Italy.
  • Steven Spielberg contributed to the film’s directing, particularly in the climactic lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader.
  • Each clone was created using computer graphics. No physical clone suits were used.

How to Take Part

  • Rewatch your favorite episode.
  • Meet like-minded people, have a themed party, or spend time playing Star Wars video games.
  • Find a Star Wars-themed exhibition.
  • Host an online broadcast.
  • Launch a flash mob on social networks using the #RevengeOfTheFifth hashtag.

When is Revenge of the Fifth in 2025?

Revenge of the Fifth is observed on May 5 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday May 5 2025
Tuesday May 5 2026
Wednesday May 5 2027
Thursday May 5 2028
Saturday May 5 2029