Purple Heart Day - August 7
Wed, Aug 7, 2024

Purple Heart Day

Purple Heart Day is dedicated to the famous American military award, given to those who were wounded or killed in combat. On this day, we honor the living Knights of the Order and honor the merits of the dead. Purple Heart Day reminds the citizens of the importance of valor, honor, and bravery.


This award appeared in 1782 as a distinction for special merits. Soon it ceased to be issued. However, in the 1930s, the tradition was resumed again. Then the order received its current name, the Purple Heart.

Purple Heart Day was organized in 2014 to draw more attention to the exploits of people who risk their lives and health to protect their country.

Interesting facts

  • The Purple Heart badge was revived on the bicentennial of George Washington, who established it.
  • Purple symbolizes spiritual nobility, stamina, and courage.
  • Traditionally, a soldier receives an award for each combat wound. One soldier is known to have received nine awards, and five have received eight.

How to take part

Find out more information about the Knights of the Order. This information is publicly available on the Internet. Watch documentaries and feature films about these brave people. Visit a museum that has a themed exhibit.

Share on social networks the impressions and emotions that the stories of these people caused in you. Tell us why you think this holiday is important. Your experience is especially valuable if you have a relative who has received this distinction.

Make a donation to the Order. This will help combat veterans who are in a difficult situation, including due to their wounds.

When is Purple Heart Day in 2024?

Purple Heart Day is observed on August 7 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday August 7 2024
Thursday August 7 2025
Friday August 7 2026
Saturday August 7 2027
Monday August 7 2028
Tuesday August 7 2029

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