National Men Make Dinner Day - November
Thu, Nov 2, 2023

National Men Make Dinner Day

National Men Make Dinner Day is a celebration of empowerment, encouraging men to put on an apron and cook a wonderful dinner for their loved ones. Gender influence in the US is becoming less obvious, yet there are still a huge number of men who do not know how to cook. This day is a great opportunity to motivate your beloved man to start mastering the culinary arts.


The processing of food for consumption began around 500 thousand years ago, but some scientists believe it could be even older. Half a million years ago it didn’t matter who cooked the food, and it’s time to remember that among our ancestors there were many men who were excellent cooks.

Why we celebrate National Men Make Dinner Day

The ability to cook is not a sign of weakness, but an opportunity to learn something new and to please loved ones. Many mothers and wives do not encourage boys and husbands to enter the kitchen, leading to feelings of helplessness and uselessness. This day encourages you to forget about this stigma and think of cooking for your loved ones, friends, and those in need as a good deed. It’s also time to rethink gender norms, since there are many men among the best chefs.

How to take part

  • Change the rules of the game in your family for one day – let the husband go to the kitchen and the wife watch football or go out with her friends.
  • Watch a culinary show, appreciate the skill of male chefs, and take an example from them. Start with something simple like macaroni and cheese.
  • If you have a son in your family, teach him how to cook, starting with something easy like scrambled eggs, soup, or simple cookies.

When is National Men Make Dinner Day celebrated in 2023?

National Men Make Dinner Day is observed on the first Thursday of November each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday November 2 2023
Thursday November 7 2024
Thursday November 6 2025
Thursday November 5 2026

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