National IT Professionals Day - September
Tue, Sep 17, 2024

National IT Professionals Day

National IT Professionals Day is dedicated to software developers, ethical hackers, network engineers, and many others. These employees are indispensable in the modern world and play a big role in the efficient operation of thousands of enterprises. It is every third Tuesday in September.


The holiday started in 2015. Its main goal is to express gratitude to all people working in the IT field. Often, these are specialists with a vast store of knowledge and indispensable skills that allow companies to develop successfully.

The profession of programmer or IT worker arose as early as 1834 when Charles Babbage invented the first computing device that analyzed data based on a written program. Accordingly, the demand for people who could work with the new invention increased. The specialty received great development in the second half of the 20th century when computers and prototypes of modern computers were actively created.

Today, programmers are sought-after and highly paid professionals. IT employees are required in almost every enterprise.

Interesting Facts

  • The first programming language for commercial use was FORTRAN, which was created in 1956.
  • There are more than 8,000 programming languages ​​in the world, but only a handful of them are used in practice.
  • To keep up with the level of technological development, programmers often have to improve their skills every year. The world of technology does not stand still.

How to Take Part

Congratulate your acquaintances from the IT sector on this holiday. A great way to spend National IT Professionals Day is to learn new programming skills.

There are many instructional videos and courses on the Internet. You can start by learning the simplest programming languages ​​and then try to write primitive programs.

When is National IT Professionals Day in 2024?

National IT Professionals Day is observed on the third Tuesday of September each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday September 17 2024
Tuesday September 16 2025
Tuesday September 15 2026
Tuesday September 21 2027
Tuesday September 19 2028
Tuesday September 18 2029

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