National Handbag Day is on October 10th and is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the universal accessory that has become part of our lives! From luxury branded bags to the most ordinary, small or roomy, handbags are an indispensable accessory no matter what the occasion.
The use of wallets dates back to 3400 BC when they were first mentioned as belonging to Ötzi (Ice Man). Primarily used by men, wallets were a sign of high status and used to store coins for quick access. The small handbag became popular among ladies in the 1800s and, as fashion changed, women increasingly opted for larger bags to store a variety of essentials. In the early 20th century, glamorous bags gained recognition from noblewomen and, to this day, retro bags remain a timeless accessory.
Interesting Facts
- The first unisex bag was produced in 1985.
- A survey revealed that, on average, one woman has six different handbags in her wardrobe.
- The most expensive handbag costs $3.8 million.
- The Bible mentions Judas carrying a bag.
- Railways influenced the creation of bags as travelers sought more comfortable ways to carry items.
- Originally, wallets were only used by men and women didn’t think to use them.
How to Take Part
On National Handbag Day, why not give your favorite bag a second life by giving it a clean if it needs it? If you’ve had your eye on a new bag for a while, now is the perfect time to treat yourself. Alternatively, surprise a loved one with the gift of a handbag – a truly special gesture for National Handbag Day!
When is National Handbag Day in 2024?
National Handbag Day is observed on October 10 each year.
Weekday | Month | Day | Year |
Thursday | October | 10 | 2024 |
Friday | October | 10 | 2025 |
Saturday | October | 10 | 2026 |
Sunday | October | 10 | 2027 |
Tuesday | October | 10 | 2028 |
Wednesday | October | 10 | 2029 |