National Gardening Day - April 14
Sun, Apr 14, 2024

National Gardening Day

Spring is renewal, affecting nature and the human soul; the wonderful, joyful holiday of National Gardening Day confirms this. It is celebrated on April 14, a perfect time to go to the garden and plant something useful and beautiful. April’s weather is changeable. Be patient. After a couple of weeks, the results of working with your shovel will be noticeable.

The History

This holiday originated in 2018, and is a gift for gardeners who love their profession, and for amateurs who are fond of planting flowers or vegetables as a hobby. The most ancient form is forest gardening. They were fond of this in Ancient Egypt, in regions close to the river. People created a beautiful, visually attractive landscape. Most grandiose gardens appeared in the Middle Ages and during the Enlightenment. They decorated territories around imperial palaces that were the envy and pride of monarchs. Home gardening is in demand, and the profession is widespread. Modern gardeners have the opportunity to use modernized methods of plant care and new equipment.

Fun Facts

This holiday is the beginning of a month dedicated to gardens.

  1. Americans were encouraged to create gardens to escape a food crisis, reducing dependence on purchased products.
  2. Scientists recognize gardening has a beneficial effect on health. This physical activity is similar to a workout, all main muscle groups are involved.
  3. Gardening helps achieve spiritual harmony; it is a kind of dialogue with nature. It calms, gives peace, and allows achieving emotional balance.

Study special courses for gardeners. This holiday is a great way to join a new community. Go on an excursion to a botanical garden. Take and post photos.

When is National Gardening Day celebrated in 2024?

National Gardening Day is observed on April 14 each year.


Sunday April 14 2024
Monday April 14 2025
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