National Choose Your Chocolate Day - September 16
Mon, Sep 16, 2024

National Choose Your Chocolate Day

National Choose Your Chocolate Day is dedicated to chocolate products, on September 16th. Sweets, cakes, large cakes, chocolate bars, or cocoa cookies – the choice is huge. See’s Candies decided to create this holiday in honor of its centenary and the birthday of the great chocolatier Mary C.


Chocolate has been known to mankind since antiquity. Evidence of it goes back to the Native American tribes – the Aztecs. They crushed cocoa beans and mixed them with water. Often used for ceremonies, chocolate was believed to have healing properties.

The spread of chocolate in Europe occurred in the 16th century. Cocoa powder was mixed with milk and sugar. Industrial production did not begin until three centuries later, when a mechanical press was invented in 1828, allowing the easy transformation of roasted cocoa beans into powder.

The popularization of chocolate in the United States was due to Mary C, who worked as a confectioner. Until the age of 65, she cooked exclusively for her family and then moved to Los Angeles. Her products were highly acclaimed by customers. By 1925, many See’s Candies shops were established, selling chocolates made in the best Mary C tradition.

A modern confectionery company strictly follows the established quality standards. The production of sweets does not use preservatives or artificial ingredients.

Interesting facts

  • Chocolate was so valued by the Mayan tribes that it acted as currency.
  • Chocolate, when consumed effectively, stimulates the brain and promotes the production of endorphins.
  • The name of this product comes from the Aztec word ‘chocolatl’, which translates as “bitter water”.

How to take part

Pay a visit to See’s Candies. If you don’t have one nearby, just buy your favorite chocolate and enjoy it alone or invite friends over.

Gather your loved ones and have fun quizzes on the topic of chocolate, and at the end give small gifts that contain a set of chocolate products. You can also read *Chocolat* by Joanne Harris or *Charlie and the Chocolate Factory* by Roald Dahl to immerse yourself in the holiday even more!

When is National Choose Your Chocolate Day in 2024?

National Choose Your Chocolate Day is observed on September 16 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday September 16 2024
Tuesday September 16 2025
Wednesday September 16 2026
Thursday September 16 2027
Saturday September 16 2028
Sunday September 16 2029