National Breadstick Day - October
Fri, Oct 25, 2024

National Breadstick Day

National Breadstick Day is on the last Friday of October, and it is definitely not to be missed! This day is dedicated to the scrumptious snack that is often part of our breakfast or dinner. Whether you like yours cheesy, classic, soft, or crispy, with or without sauce – the choice is yours!


The origin of breadsticks is uncertain; some believe it was first prepared in the 17th century in the Italian city of Turin, while others claim it was Piedmont. The story behind it states that the young Duke Vittorio Amedeo Francesco di Savoi had intestinal problems and his mother, not knowing how to help him, consulted a doctor who suffered from the same disorder. The doctor suggested that the Duke replace the usual pastries with homemade bread with good sourdough. The Duke enjoyed the dish and soon recovered. The breadsticks became a symbol in the Savoi family and the demand for them was so high that officials even had to set a certain price.

Interesting Facts

  • Napoleon called them “little sticks of Turin” and loved them very much.
  • In the 14th century, the main task of cooks was to make the sticks crispy, but not burnt.
  • Breadsticks contain cholesterol, so people who are watching their weight should be careful with them.
  • People with celiac disease should not eat them due to the presence of gluten.
  • They are also known as grissini sticks.

How to Take Part

The best way to enjoy National Breadstick Day is to taste some delicious products! You can try baking your own sticks or order from a restaurant. Alternatively, if you have the chance, you can travel to Italy on National Breadstick Day and try the classic recipe. You can also arrange duels with breadsticks with your friends and have some fun!

When is National Breadstick Day in 2024?

National Breadstick Day is observed on the last Friday of October each year.


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