National Babysitter’s Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to babysitters—special individuals who have experience working with children and can spend quality time with them. This arrangement has several advantages: grandparents get a break, the child remains safe and engaged, and the babysitter plays with them, teaches them the alphabet, solves simple problems, and more. The holiday is celebrated every second Saturday in May.
The history of National Babysitter’s Day began in 2003 when it was established by Safety Whys, an organization focused on training specialists to work with children. Aspiring nannies are trained in child psychology, basic principles of parenting, and techniques for working with children of various ages. A nanny is expected to treat someone else’s child as their own, offering care and affection.
Throughout history, wealthy families have hired specialized teachers who not only provided the child with necessary knowledge but also acted as caregivers. The modern form of babysitting began to take shape in the 19th century. Wealthy families often hired caregivers when they lacked the time to raise children themselves or wanted their children to receive extensive education and skills at an early age. Today, babysitting services are widely accessible to the general public.
Interesting Facts
- The primary requirement for a babysitter is a love for children. Without this quality, mastering the profession is nearly impossible.
- In ancient times, boys were often raised by slaves or warriors, while girls were taught by their mothers or other women to sew, cook, and perform other domestic tasks.
How to Celebrate
Congratulate the babysitters you know on their special day. If you’re unsure who to leave your child with, consider using a babysitting service—your child will likely enjoy it!
Share information about the holiday on social media. Ask users if they have ever used the services of a babysitter, and what their experiences were.
When is National Babysitter’s Day in 2025?
National Babysitter’s Day is observed on the second Saturday of May each year.
Weekday | Month | Day | Year |
Saturday | May | 10 | 2025 |
Saturday | May | 9 | 2026 |
Saturday | May | 8 | 2027 |
Saturday | May | 13 | 2028 |
Saturday | May | 12 | 2029 |