Maize Day - November
Fri, Nov 29, 2024

Maize Day is in the US after Thanksgiving, and corn is indeed a real gift of nature! It contains vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and much more, which is why it has its own special day on which people come together to admire the plant.


The exact origin of corn is a bit of a mystery. Archaeologists in Mexico City found traces of a plant dating back to 5,500 years ago. It is believed that the natives living in the region ate corn about 7-12 thousand years ago. Columbus also discovered grains in Peru, which he later brought to Europe.

In the US, corn is the most popular and practically indispensable cereal. Studies show that the average American eats 1.6 kg of popcorn a year. The birth date of popcorn is considered to be 1630, when the colonists received a bag of it from the leader Kvodekuan.

Interesting facts

  • Corn kernels burst due to the soft starch and water contained in them. The grain heats up, the water begins to boil and breaks through the shell, resulting in popcorn.
  • Biologists and researchers are still puzzled over where corn originated. It seems like it was cultivated even before our time, as a plant can’t grow like a wild plant and bear fruit without some level of care.
  • Plants can grow up to 7 meters.
  • There are not only yellow ears, but also red, black, purple, white, and multi-colored.
  • Corn should be cooked without salt, otherwise it will become too tough.

How to take part

The best way to take part in the holiday is to buy some corn and cook it according to your favorite recipe! Corn can be enjoyed on its own, or added to various dishes. You could also invite your friends to join in the fun and experiment in the kitchen. Additionally, you could learn more about the plant’s history, visit a field, and observe how it grows.

When is Maize Day in 2024?

Maize Day is observed on the day after Thanksgiving each year.


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