International Eat an Apple Day - September
Sat, Sep 21, 2024

International Eat an Apple Day

International Eat An Apple Day is dedicated to apples, obliging you to bite into this juicy and crunchy fruit. In addition to its pleasant taste, it is quite healthy. Celebrated every third Saturday in September.


The history of the fruit itself goes back to ancient times. Its original habitat was Central Asia, in the mountainous region of the Tien Shan. Apples grew in the wild and were used in the diet of local residents.

The development of the Silk Road and a large number of trade caravans led to the apple spreading to Europe. From there, it got to the American continent thanks to colonialists. It is believed the first apple orchard in the colonies appeared near Massachusetts Bay.

The apple has become widespread in culture. Often the fruits were endowed with magical properties. For example, in the Thousand and One Nights, this fruit appears to have the ability to heal any person. In addition, we often see apples in the paintings of famous artists like Paul Cezanne, Camille Pissarro, and Pablo Picasso. Still lifes rarely do without this fruit.

In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, cultivation intensified, leading to the diverse varieties we still enjoy today.

Interesting facts

  • There is a version that apples, which were usually used to decorate spruces in Germany, became the prototype for baubles. A poor harvest in 1848 led to a glass substitute for the fruit.
  • Not all apples darken when cut. The Arctic variety, cultivated in Canada, does not.
  • The largest apple was grown in Japan. Its weight was 1.849 kg (4.078 lbs).

How to take part

Be sure to eat some juicy apples on International Eat An Apple Day! Find out more on the internet about the popularity of these fruits.

You can also get together with friends and visit apple orchards. Another excellent option for the celebration is making dishes based on these fruits.

When is International Eat an Apple Day in 2024?

International Eat an Apple Day is observed on the third Saturday of September each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Saturday September 21 2024
Saturday September 20 2025
Saturday September 19 2026
Saturday September 18 2027
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