International Beer and Pizza Day - October 9
Wed, Oct 9, 2024

International Beer and Pizza Day

International Beer and Pizza Day is the perfect holiday for those who love the crunch of Italian cuisine and enjoy washing it down with a cold and refreshing beverage. Of course, for those who are of age, there are other holidays that are suitable for children. Every year, International Beer and Pizza Day falls on October 9th!


International Beer and Pizza Day was founded in 2016 and is a combination that is sure to be a hit at any gathering. All you have to do is put out the food, snap a few pictures, and send them to your friends – we guarantee they will be at your door in no time!

Beer is one of the oldest drinks, with records of its consumption dating back to 5000 BC in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. During the Middle Ages, the process of brewing beer was considered an art form, with the knowledge being passed down from generation to generation. Towards the end of this period, the production of beer became widespread and even led to the creation of an export industry.

The origins of pizza can be traced back to Ancient Egypt and Rome; however, it was more of an imitation. The modern version of the dish was created in 600 BC in Italy, which is now considered the homeland of pizza. It was originally intended for the lower classes, but it soon spread to all corners of the world and gained popularity among people of all classes.

Interesting Facts

  • The first pizza was ordered online in 1994 and was pepperoni.
  • The founder of the Domino’s pizza chain was granted a degree in Pizzaology.
  • American scientists have proven that drinking 1 beer a day can reduce the risk of kidney stones by 40%, thanks to the silicon which prevents calcium from being leeched from the bones.
  • One of the essential ingredients for beer is high-quality water.

How to Take Part

Order a pizza or two, or even make one to surprise your friends. Also, don’t forget to chill the beer in advance before your guests arrive. And don’t forget to capture the fun!

When is International Beer and Pizza Day in 2024?

International Beer and Pizza Day is observed on October 9 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday October 9 2024
Thursday October 9 2025
Friday October 9 2026
Saturday October 9 2027
Monday October 9 2028
Tuesday October 9 2029