Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day - September 18
Wed, Sep 18, 2024

Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day

Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day is dedicated to a very important invention, thanks to which millions of people can express their feelings and congratulate their friends and acquaintances on various holidays and significant life events. It is annually on September 18.


There is no single version regarding the appearance of this holiday. It is believed the exchange of postcards existed in ancient China. Residents exchanged paper messages for the New Year and some other holidays.

By the 15th century, paper greeting cards were being made in Europe. At the same time, there were options made of engraved wood, used by wealthier citizens. Later, postcards with congratulatory inscriptions appeared.

The production of postcards on an industrial scale began in the 1860s. Valentines were in great demand. Louis Prang, a native of Germany, is considered the father of postcards in the United States. While living in Boston, he operated his own printing press. The first versions of postcards included images of flowers, animals, and nature. Later, he began to add congratulatory texts for various holidays.

The distribution of postcards gained momentum because it was one of the easiest and most affordable ways to congratulate a person on a holiday or a solemn event. Today, in the age of digital technology, people are used to congratulating each other electronically. However, greeting cards are still in demand.

Interesting Facts

  • The first greeting card was a ‘valentine’. A 15th-century specimen is kept in the British Museum in London.
  • Mass printing of greeting cards in the United States was launched by Hymen Lipman. The government liked the idea and postcards began to be sent by mail officially.
  • It is believed the first greeting card in color appeared in 1840. Prior to that, they were exclusively black and white.

How to Take Part

Send greeting cards to your friends and acquaintances. Get creative! Try to make your own postcard. There are a lot of great ideas on the internet! You can also visit museum exhibitions, which showcase old postcards from different countries.

When is Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day in 2024?

Hug a Greeting Card Writer Day is observed on September 18 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday September 18 2024
Thursday September 18 2025
Friday September 18 2026
Saturday September 18 2027
Monday September 18 2028
Tuesday September 18 2029

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