Bubble Gum Day - February
Fri, Feb 2, 2024

Bubble Gum Day

Bubble Gum Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to chewing gum. This delicious invention has many advantages: it gives a pleasant smell in the mouth, it allows you to get rid of bits of food in your teeth. It is believed that chewing gum allows you to focus on the task at hand, distract from unnecessary thoughts. The holiday is celebrated every first Friday of February.


In its modern form, chewing gum saw the light in 1928. Then it was called Double Bubble. Later, many varieties of chewing gum appeared, the flavor palette expanded significantly. Today, mint and berry chewing gums are leading in popularity. It’s worth noting here that the history of Bubble Gum Day goes much deeper than just the invention of the product.

The establishment of Bubble Gum Day is associated with children’s literature author Ruth Spiro. She paid great attention to promoting the ideas of philanthropy among children. In educational institutions, Ruth Spiro solved this problem by donating a few coins to various school events. At the same time, children only needed to purchase a few chewing gums. This idea is suitable for any institution: libraries, museums, and more. Let people buy gum, and the money paid will go to charity.

Interesting facts

  • Among the works of Ruth Spiro there are many interesting books with an instructive meaning: “Lester Fizz”, “The Kid Loves Aerospace Engineering” and much more.
  • According to statisticians, about 75% of Internet users have done charity work at least once.
  • The idea of ​​charity is actively promoted in American educational institutions. Children are taught from an early age to help others.

How to celebrate

Read with your children the wonderful books of Ruth Spiro. Buy gum in your favorite flavors at Bubble Gum Day. Take part in various charity events and promotions.

Tell about the holiday on social networks. Let more people know about it and support the idea of ​​charity.

When is Bubble Gum Day celebrated in 2024?

Bubble Gum Day is observed on the first Friday in February each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday February 2 2024
Friday February 7 2025
Friday February 6 2026
Friday February 5 2027

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