Sunglasses Day - June 27
Thu, Jun 27, 2024

Sunglasses Day

The bright sunlight makes you squint, which means it is time to buy a strong and useful accessory and meet Sunglasses Day with dignity. Staying at home on June 27 is not worth it. Go to the beach and take a walk along the embankment. Let us see your stylish image and mysterious fashion style.

The History

Darkened lenses were produced and used as part of glasses for sun protection in the middle of the XVIII century. This fashionable element became popular at the beginning of the XX century, when famous actors and actresses from Hollywood began to wear the accessory. In 1937, Ray-Ban launched the first line of Aviators, which were destined to become ageless classics.

Interesting Facts

The first sunglasses appeared in China. Not surprising. However, this occurred in the distant XII century. The glasses were created using dark quartz.

  1. Sunglasses are among the items most often forgotten on tables in restaurants, on beaches, or in taxis. This is why people prefer to buy cheap ones and wear them for a long time.
  2. Sunglasses in the modern world are considered a litmus test that helps determine the status of their owner. This is an accessory that demonstrates the style and financial means of the owner.
  3. Prices range from $5 up to several thousand.
  4. Sunglasses are a personal item; loaning or borrowing them is considered unhygienic.
  5. Regular use during the summer protects the eyes and helps prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles.

How to take part

Buy new sunglasses on the holiday. Choose carefully: take into account the shape of your face and the frame, without ignoring your personal preferences.

When is Sunglasses Day celebrated in 2024?

Sunglasses Day is observed on June 27 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday June 27 2024
Friday June 27 2025

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