National Cut Your Energy Costs Day - January 10
Wed, Jan 10, 2024

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day brings up the most important issue in the world, which is often overlooked. We depend on electricity! Houses keep warm in winter and cool in summer, which is great… But there is a problem – bills that have to be paid. Did you know that you can pay less if you learn how to save?


The National Day was created by CEEA, the Canadian Energy Reduction Alliance. One day, the organizers realized that the date was necessary to convey important information to people and help them cope with huge bills. Follow the advice – a great start!

A visual assessment of the house will help in this situation: inspect each room and consider whether energy-saving systems are installed everywhere. You also need to pay attention to your behavior – we leave the house and leave the lights or electrical appliances on … Why? Catch yourself the next time you’re being careless.

Interesting facts

Did you know that:

  • energy consumption can be reduced by almost 55 times if lighting with motion sensors is installed in an apartment building;
  • a freezer covered with ice increases energy consumption by 20%;
  • a washing machine that is not fully loaded consumes 15% more electricity;
  • The largest source of energy is the sun. It sends 1000 times more energy to Earth than humanity uses;
  • cookware with soot increases energy (or gas) consumption by 50%.

How to celebrate

At National Cut Your Energy Costs Day, explore all the ways to save. Mostly it’s the little things – if they become a habit, you’ll see a positive difference in spending. Tell loved ones about the holiday and write down actions that will help reduce the budget and help the environment.

When is National Cut Your Energy Costs Day celebrated in 2024?

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is observed on January 10 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday January 10 2024
Friday January 10 2025
Saturday January 10 2026
Sunday January 10 2027

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