National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day - February 14
Wed, Feb 14, 2024

National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

Cream Filled Chocolates Day is one of the favorite holidays for those with a sweet tooth. On this day, large-scale promotions and discounts are held in confectioneries, buyers are given the opportunity to buy chocolate candies with handmade cream at a small price. Chocolate museums host entertainment and educational events.


Chocolate with cream appeared in 1912. It was at this time that the Belgian chocolatiers came up with the idea of stuffing chocolates with cream. Soon, confectioners went even further and began to come up with sweets with a wide variety of fillings – fruit, grillage, praline. This holiday appeared relatively recently. Experts say that it was invented by the owners of confectionery stores to increase the demand for expensive handmade chocolates.

Interesting facts

  • The first chocolate candies with filling were made by hand, only then mass production appeared.
  • At first, sweets were wrapped only in paper, later metal silver foil was used for this purpose.
  • The first candy wrappers were real works of art. They were decorated with landscapes, portraits, scenes from fairy tales. Outstanding artists worked on the sketches of the wrappers.

How to celebrate

The easiest way to celebrate this day is to buy sweets with cream filling in the nearest confectionery and arrange a tea party at home alone or in the company of friends and relatives. You can try to cook chocolate candies with filling at home, now you can find many recipes for making this delicacy at home. Or you can go to the nearest museum of sweets and see what chocolate was like many years ago.

In this year, in many countries, events are held to taste author’s chocolates, as well as mass festive events in confectioneries. Museums of chocolate and other sweets prepare their own author’s entertainment programs for children and adults. On TV, meetings with famous confectioners and documentaries about the history of your favorite delicacy are shown. At the same time, tasting your favorite sweets on a holiday, do not forget that an excessive amount of sweets can cause allergies and indigestion, and regular consumption of a large number of sweets can lead to diabetes.

When is National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day Celebrated in 2024?

National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day is dedicated to celebrating success. It has always been observed annually on February the 14th.


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