National Bologna Day - October 24
Tue, Oct 24, 2023

National Bologna Day

National Bologna Day is celebrated on October 24th and is a great opportunity to make a delicious sandwich at home. There are many types of Bologna, such as turkey, beef, chicken, venison, and even soy meat bologna for vegetarians. The sausage is flavoured with a variety of seasonings, such as allspice, nutmeg, coriander, celery, and myrtle berries. The product can be fried with eggs, thrown on toasted bread with the addition of cucumbers and salad, used in sandwiches, or eaten separately. You can also make a delicious salad with Bologna.


The sausage variety originated in Italy and at first resembled the popular mortadella. In the USA, the original recipe was slightly altered, preferring the absence of fatty layers and a large amount of spices. Bologna has become a culinary symbol of Italy and an officially approved lunch in the country’s public schools. During the Great Depression, it was the most affordable product for Americans.

Interesting facts

  • Bologna can weigh up to 100 kg per loaf.
  • Myrtle berries are sometimes added to Bologna for medicinal purposes.
  • In Italy, Bologna is an officially approved lunch in the country’s public schools.
  • During the Great Depression, it was the most affordable product for Americans.

How to take part

To take part in National Bologna Day, you can look up recipes on the internet and try them out at home. Experimenting with different ingredients and seasonings is always encouraged. You can also go to your favorite restaurant and try out different types of Bologna, or invite friends over for dinner and have fun.

When is National Bologna Day celebrated in 2023?

National Bologna Day is observed on October 24 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Tuesday October 24 2023
Thursday October 24 2024
Friday October 24 2025
Saturday October 24 2026

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