Have a Party with Your Bear Day - November 16
Thu, Nov 16, 2023

Have a Party with Your Bear Day

Have a Party With Your Bear Day is celebrated on November 16th all over the world, representing one of the cutest holidays that exists! It doesn’t matter your age – both adults and children can enjoy and treat their teddy bears with warmth and affection! Join in and celebrate the day to the fullest!


The history of the holiday is not clear.however, it doesn’t prevent it from being celebrated. Teddy bears have always carried love, joy and affection between lovers, making it hard to find someone who hasn’t either received or donated one. Teddy bears were named after Theodore Roosevelt, the President of America, when he and his friends went hunting. When he saw a little bear cub, Theodore didn’t kill him, and the information quickly spread in the media, which led to him being called the kindest and most merciful person.

Interesting facts

  • The most expensive bear was made by Steiff Louis Vuitton and was sold for 2.1 million dollars in 2000.
  • The first toy was sold from Morris Michtom’s store in Brooklyn in 1902.
  • Kanye West’s real mascot is a plush villager.
  • There are more than 20 museums in the world dedicated to the plush bear.
  • Jackie Miley from South Dakota has the largest collection of teddy bears, with 8026 as of 2018.

How to take part

If you have children, nephews, siblings or friends, you can organize a fun party at home or in a children’s center. Let everyone bring their own teddy bear! You can also celebrate the day by yourself! Take out your own teddy bear and put it in a prominent place. Share pictures and ideas about the holiday on social media and discuss it with other people.

When is Have a Party with Your Bear Day celebrated in 2023?

Have a Party with Your Bear Day is observed on November 16 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Thursday November 16 2023
Saturday November 16 2024
Sunday November 16 2025
Monday November 16 2026