Dear Diary Day - September 22
Fri, Sep 22, 2023

Dear Diary Day

Dear Diary Day is celebrated annually on September 22nd. Keeping a diary helps us express our thoughts more clearly, journalling and remembering our lives in great detail. Historians note that diaries have been used for over 2000 years. On paper, a person can express any of their emotions, sharing experiences, feelings, and even secrets.


Personal records were kept for generations, in which people expressed hopes for the future or told their stories. The term ‘diary’ has Latin roots and means something written down daily. The oldest diaries that have survived to this day date from the 11th century. They were kept in the Middle East and East Asia. Historians managed to find the personal records of Ibn Banna, which are very reminiscent of modern ones. Today, scientists can draw conclusions about what life, traditions, and culture of our previous generations were like.

Interesting Facts

  • Psychologists note that a personal diary is the best listener and best friend for every person, regardless of age, gender, profession and social status.
  • The first diaries were kept mainly by alchemists and mystics. They wrote down their inner emotions and events they perceived as the most important.
  • The earliest published diary dates back to 1825 and belonged to Samuel Pepys, where he recounted important historical events.

How to take part

If you have not done this yet, start keeping a personal diary. For this, buy a beautiful notebook or notepad can be used. You can also share your thoughts with the whole world on the Internet. Write down everything you consider important and necessary. Remember, these records record your emotions, feelings, and experiences forever. Read the diaries of famous people; from them, you can know their life and path to success better.

When is Dear Diary Day in 2023?

Dear Diary Day is observed on September 22 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday September 22 2023
Sunday September 22 2024
Monday September 22 2025
Tuesday September 22 2026

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