Conflict Resolution Day - October
Thu, Oct 19, 2023

Conflict Resolution Day

Conflict Resolution Day is celebrated every year on the third Thursday of October. The day was founded by the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) in 2005 in order to promote the use of peace negotiations as a tool for resolving conflicts in many areas, such as schools, work groups, families, the legal system, and government. The day also recognizes the merits of those who are involved in the peaceful settlement of conflicts in order to achieve national cooperation. The holiday falls on ABA Mediation Week of the American Bar Association, which works together with ACR to raise public awareness of how conflicts can be properly resolved.


The concept of peaceful conflict resolution has existed since the 1700s. Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography, talked about the means of peacefully resolving conflicts. In 1906, Theodore Roosevelt was able to end the Russo-Japanese War with a treaty. In the 1990s, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process took place, which was a significant progress in the process of peace negotiations between states. In 1993, US journalist John Wallach created Seeds of Peace to teach young people how to peacefully resolve quarrels.

Interesting facts

  • Benjamin Franklin talked about the means of peacefully resolving conflicts in 1739.
  • Theodore Roosevelt was able to end the Russo-Japanese War with a treaty in 1906.
  • The Israeli-Palestinian peace process took place in the 1990s.
  • John Wallach created Seeds of Peace to teach young people how to peacefully resolve quarrels in 1993.

How to take part

You can use this holiday to learn peaceful ways to resolve conflicts and to put an end to long-standing differences in your life. Also, you can help your family members or close friends get out of a quarrel with someone. Finally, try to use peaceful methods to resolve your own conflicts.

When is Conflict Resolution Day celebrated in 2023?

Conflict Resolution Day is observed on the third Thursday of October each year.


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