Pack Your Lunch Day - March 10
Mon, Mar 10, 2025

Pack Your Lunch Day

Pack Your Lunch Day is an annual American holiday devoted to lunchboxes and snacks between meals. In today’s world, with work taking up most of our time, lunches have become especially popular. Now, in between work or study, you can easily satisfy your hunger and wait for a full meal. The holiday is observed on March 10.


The story of Pack Your Lunch Day begins around the 19th century. When the workday was very long, people had to bring their own food to work. Initially, various paper wrappers were used for this purpose. That all changed in the 1860s, when the first patents for lunchboxes began to appear. They were reusable food packages. It was in the labor movement that they became very popular.

Today, lunchboxes continue to be in demand. They are made of non-toxic, reusable plastic. Multi-sectional boxes have appeared, allowing you to divide your food: put a salad, main course, fruit, and other items. Lunchboxes have become an indispensable attribute for schoolchildren and students. Children’s lunchboxes are often decorated with different prints that depict superheroes, cars, animals, and more.

Interesting Facts

  • Mickey Mouse was the first character used to decorate a lunchbox. This event took place in 1935.
  • Using a lunchbox allows you to turn a snack into almost a full meal.
  • Instead of lunchboxes, many people prefer to buy quick snacks. However, you have to be careful with chips, popcorn, burgers, etc. These are very fatty and caloric foods, which are not very healthy if eaten constantly.

How to Celebrate

Celebrating Pack Your Lunch Day is a great excuse to rethink your snacks and make them healthier. Start using lunchboxes to take enough food with you to work. Buy lunchboxes for your kids so they no longer feel hungry at school or university.

Spread the word on social media. Ask other users if they use lunchboxes.

When is Pack Your Lunch Day in 2025?

Pack Your Lunch Day is observed on March 10 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday March 10 2025
Tuesday March 10 2026
Wednesday March 10 2027
Friday March 10 2028
Saturday March 10 2029

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