National Pawpaw Day - September
Thu, Sep 19, 2024

National Pawpaw Day

National Pawpaw Day is dedicated to the pawpaw fruit. It is every third Thursday in September. This sweet fruit is very popular with people due to its creamy texture.


The history of National Pawpaw Day is rooted in centuries past. It is known that this fruit was highly valued by the Native Americans. The Indians used it in their diet, consuming it fresh and dried. Pawpaw has a pronounced aroma, an unusual creamy texture, and a very sweet taste.

The introduction of this fruit into Europe is associated with the period of the great geographical discoveries. During the 1540 expedition led by Hernando de Soto, the Spaniards tasted pawpaw. Everyone was amazed by its sweetness and taste. Fresh fruits and seeds were sent to Europe to attempt cultivation of the tree. It is believed that pawpaw was George Washington’s favorite dessert.

Pawpaw is most popular in the southern regions of the United States, where it grows naturally. You can buy it in local markets, but it is difficult to find in large stores because it deteriorates very quickly.

Interesting Facts

  • The baked fruit acquires a characteristic aroma similar to breadcrumbs.
  • Each fruit contains several hundred seeds.
  • Only ripe pawpaw can be eaten – the juice of unripe fruits is poisonous.

How to Take Part

Take a trip with friends or family to Ohio, where a festival takes place on September 15th. There you can taste original pawpaw dishes, learn more about this fruit, and visit its natural habitat.

Try fresh pawpaw or make interesting dishes with it yourself. Share information about this holiday on social networks, give some interesting facts, and express your own opinion about this tropical fruit.

When is National Pawpaw Day in 2024?

National Pawpaw Day is observed on the third Thursday of September each year.


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