National Fossil Day - October
Wed, Oct 16, 2024

National Fossil Day

National Fossil Day is annually during the second week of October, and this year it fell on October 11th. Fossils are not just fascinating curiosities to ponder over; they also provide evidence of animals that lived on our planet hundreds and thousands of years ago. In fact, thanks to fossils, we can gain insight into life that no longer exists on Earth. All the finds of archaeologists, most of which are fossils, deserve to be preserved and studied.


The first National Fossil Day was held on October 13, 2010, during Earth Science Week, to recognize the scientific value of fossils. 270 partners and the National Park Service in the USA organized the event, providing the public with the opportunity to learn more about the world’s heritage through fossils. Each year, a new National Fossil Day logo is created, depicting prehistoric organisms; the original logo featured a titanothere.

Interesting facts

In honor of this national day, we can recall some interesting facts:

  • In the 1840s, the first remains proving the existence of Neanderthals were discovered.
  • Researchers found evidence of the existence of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, better known as the T-Rex, in 1902.
  • In 1974, the remains of a female hominin were found: scientists claim that she is 3.5 million years old. She was given the name “Lucy”.

How to take part

You can thank the paleontologists for their work. If you know anyone involved in excavations, ask them to tell you more about them. You can visit a museum, where the National Park Service in conjunction with universities, museums, and other organizations organize this holiday every year. You can attend classes, take part in outdoor events, and learn more about National Fossil Day.

When is National Fossil Day in 2024?

National Fossil Day is observed on the Wednesday of the second full week in October each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Wednesday October 16 2024
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