International No Diet Day - May 6
Mon, May 6, 2024

International No Diet Day

On May 6, people celebrate International No Diet Day. Its essence is teaching people to love their bodies. This sense fits well into the popular body positivity wave.


The first No Diet Day was held in 1992, started by Mary Evans Young. Being very plump, the girl suffered a lot from bullying. Experiencing nervous stress, Mary Evans tried to lose weight, adhering to strict diets. As a result, she became anorexic.

Overcoming her illnesses, she helped people appreciate their bodies. At first the holiday was only planned in the UK. Later, Mary Evans made the holiday international.

A different date was originally chosen. American authorities expressed concern that the day coincides with the Cinco de Mayo celebration. For Mary, the date was not important, and she agreed to reschedule it. May 6th was selected. This date coincidentally coincided with Mary Evans’s birthday.

Interesting Facts

If you decide to join the holiday, you can celebrate it with something tasty. What do experts say?

  1. Doctors argue diets can cause serious harm, as the body does not receive the necessary microelements.
  2. Diets often give short-term results. The body undergoes a lot of stress, and after the diet, requires more food.
  3. It is healthier and more effective to eat right (without excessive sweets, high-calorie sauces, and fast foods), not overeat, and eat in small portions.

When is International No Diet Day in 2024?

International No Diet Day is observed on May 6 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday May 6 2024
Tuesday May 6 2025