World Egg Day - October
Fri, Oct 13, 2023

World Egg Day

World Egg Day is held annually on the second Friday in October. On this day, we should pay tribute to the affordable, versatile, tasty and nutritious food that provides sustainable nutrition for many people – eggs. They can be boiled, fried, used raw and added separately to different dishes.


For centuries, eggs have been an important source of food for families around the world. It is one of the highest quality natural sources of protein which is necessary for muscle development and brain activity, plays an important role in disease prevention and promotes good health. Additionally, eggs contain many useful elements for the body, such as selenium, vitamins A, D, K, B6 and B12, zinc, copper and iron. The history of the use of eggs goes far beyond cooking. They are of great importance in many cultures, one of the most popular examples being Easter eggs. World Egg Day was founded in 1996 during the IEC conference in Vienna. Since then, the holiday has evolved and spread awareness about the importance and benefits of eggs.

Interesting facts

  • In 1500 BC, chickens were brought to Sumer and Egypt for rearing.
  • In 1911, Joseph Coyle invented the egg carton.
  • In 1963, the International Egg Commission was established to represent egg producers worldwide.
  • In 1994, the largest omelet in the world was prepared in Japan and had an area of 128.5 m2.

How to take part

You can take part in World Egg Day by sharing interesting ways to cook eggs with friends or on social networks. You can also find a new interesting recipe for yourself. If you’re feeling brave, why not try to beat the world record and make the biggest omelet? But above all, enjoy all kinds of dishes that contain eggs.

When is World Egg Day celebrated in 2023?

World Egg Day is observed on the second Friday in October each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday October 13 2023
Friday October 11 2024
Friday October 10 2025
Friday October 9 2026

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