National Pfeffernusse Day - December 23
Mon, Dec 23, 2024

National Pfeffernusse Day

National Pfeffernusse Day is dedicated to Christmas cookies, which are loved and adored in many countries, especially in Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands. These cookies are distinct for the large variety of spices used in their preparation, making them have a bright and memorable taste. Have you tried them yet?


Americans adore Pfeffernusse so much that they have dedicated a whole National Day to the cookie, which takes place in the pre-Christmas period – December 23rd. It is believed that the cookie was brought to the USA by European settlers, and it has since taken a significant place in the hearts of connoisseurs. The cookies get their unique flavor from the use of spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, anise, cardamom, and sometimes even black pepper!

These round cookies look like walnuts, and surprisingly, they used to be hard too. They were originally made with rye flour, making them so hard that they could be heard when you hit them. Connoisseurs recommend that you slowly savor the cookie, as the flavor is more fully revealed when it is chewed slowly.

Interesting facts

  • There are many different Pfeffernusse recipes, as chefs like to experiment but still stay true to the main ingredients of the cookie.
  • This is a very spicy food, so be prepared for an explosion of flavor.
  • To add a bit of variation, the cookie can be topped with powdered sugar or drizzled with honey.

How to take part

National Pfeffernusse Day is the perfect time to prepare a treat and invite your family over for a delicious dinner. Look up some recipes and find the perfect one for you! Adjust the spiciness levels to your preference, as not everyone may enjoy such a spicy food. Share your experience with us on social media and post pictures of your masterpieces! If you don’t want to bake them yourself, you can also order them from most bakeries.

When is National Pfeffernusse Day in 2024?

National Pfeffernusse Day is observed on December 23 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday December 23 2024
Monday December 23 2025
Tuesday December 23 2026
Thursday December 23 2027
Friday December 23 2028
Saturday December 23 2029

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