Pecan Day - March 25
Mon, Mar 25, 2024

Pecan Day

Pecan Day is an American holiday dedicated to this type of nut. Pecans have excellent taste and health benefits as a product for self-consumption. It is also a great addition to any dish. The holiday is celebrated annually on March 25.


The demand for pecans in the U.S. is clearly as great as that for peanuts! The first written information about this nut dates back to the 16th century. However, most researchers are inclined to the point of view that it existed earlier and was a wild plant.

The pecan grows on a tree. It can be found in the southern United States. Cultivation of the plant to produce nuts began in 1772 on Long Island. Three years later, D. Washington himself planted a tree at his personal estate of Mount Vernon. The plant takes root very well, letting the roots go deep. The nuts themselves have a soft shell, which makes them easy to peel before use.

The pecan is considered a native American nut because it is not widespread in other parts of the world, although it is exported.

Interesting facts

  • In 1919, the Pecan tree became the plant symbol of Texas.
  • About 80% of all pecans found in stores around the world are grown in the United States.
  • The consumption of two nuts closes the daily requirement of zinc by 10%. Pecans are also rich in Omega-6 and dietary fiber. Its use helps to normalize cholesterol levels, as well as improve the digestive system.

How to celebrate

Enjoy a pecan this day. You can also prepare your own dishes with its addition or try them in the nearest cafe/restaurant.

Tell us about Pecan Day on social networks. Ask users if they have tried pecans. If so, what impression did he make.

When is Pecan Day celebrated in 2024?

Pecan Day is observed on March 25 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday March 25 2024
Tuesday March 25 2025