National Thank God Its Monday Day - January
Mon, Jan 1, 2024

National Thank God Its Monday Day

National Thank God It’s Monday Day encourages you to love this day of the week! It has so many possibilities, yet most people find it difficult and even negative. All because it starts after the weekend. Doesn’t he deserve some respect?


According to the international standard ISO 8601, which describes the date and time format, Monday is the first day of the week. The first edition was published in 1988, replacing the norms used earlier. Notably, some countries have not adopted this standard, using Sunday as the first day of the week. During the development of paganism, Sunday was considered the first day, but it was a day off because of the Resurrection of the Lord. People were released from work affairs, did not do household chores and rested.

There are many superstitions associated with Monday. For example, it was not recommended today to formalize a marriage, start serious events, pay off debts, invite guests … Sometimes this is due to the fact that when creating the world, the Almighty never said “good”. Believe it or not – everyone’s business. Astrologers consider the day to be the most sensual, saying that you need to limit yourself as much as possible from irritating factors. Even the National Day was invented, designed to destroy stereotypes!

Useful facts

Amazing moments about Monday:

  • before 11 am most people do not smile;
  • according to statistics, more than 20% of heart attacks and 25% of back injuries happen today;
  • popular day to start a diet;
  • most often today they were engaged in witchcraft;
  • people give up bad habits starting from this day;
  • The moon is today’s patron;
  • receives the least amount of precipitation.

How to celebrate

There is no reason to be sad on Thank God It’s Monday Day. This is a great opportunity to look at the beginning of the week from a positive angle! Cheer yourself up and charge others: there is a whole day ahead, full of accomplishments and good emotions. Try to do today what you have always wanted to do and love Mondays!

When is National Thank God Its Monday Day celebrated in 2024?

National Thank God Its Monday Day is observed on the first Monday in January each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday January 1 2024
Monday January 6 2025
Monday January 5 2026

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