National Submarine Day - April 11
Thu, Apr 11, 2024

National Submarine Day

This wonderful holiday realizes the service of military units at sea is harsh and difficult. National Submarine Day is celebrated on April 11. Navy crews are on duty at sea for weeks, or months. They do not see their relatives, have a limited food supply, and limited means of communication. Servicemen need to perform combat and training tasks, and fighting against either enemies or nature can be grueling. This national holiday is an opportunity to remember the brave military, and express respect for their work.

The History

This holiday falls with the founding of the American submarine fleet. The first combat vessel was the USS Holland. The actual predecessor of the submarine was a 10-foot-long fishing vessel, the USS Alligator. It was launched in the middle of the XIX century. Interesting feature distinguishing this from typical ones was its ability to dive underwater to a depth of 2 dozen feet. The boat was not intended for military service. In 1863, she sank in a violent storm. The USS Holland was designed by Irish craftsman John Philip Holland in 1840. He was an inventor; he learned engineering on his own. In 1873, the boat became part of the U.S. Navy, its first combat unit.

Fun Facts

The USS Holland was commissioned at the beginning of the XX century. Its appearance changed from original. A double deck was built. The engineer who built the boat was dissatisfied: he believed the deck should be free of additional structures.

  1. A major disadvantage of the Holland is the absence of a periscope on board. This submarine had to surface for the commander to receive objective information about the situation. The Holland could not act covertly, it was easy to detect!
  2. The ideas of the Holland’s creator were ahead of their time, and could only be realized when scientists studied nuclear potential in detail.
  3. Women are deprived of the opportunity to become part of a submarine crew.

Submarines participate in large-scale wars when the ocean becomes a battlefield. The Nautilus was elusive, invisible, had great combat potential, could act covertly, and was surrounded by mystery. This dangerous service involves risk. Discard the romanticism, and the harsh truth will remain. Review an informative film, visit the Navy Museum, take a walk to monuments in memory of naval defenders, and congratulate the people involved.

When is National Submarine Day celebrated in 2024?

National Submarine Day is observed on April 11 each year.


Thursday April 11 2024
Friday April 11 2025
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