National Chinese Almond Cookie Day - April 9
Tue, Apr 9, 2024

National Chinese Almond Cookie Day

National Chinese Almond Cookie Day is an annual American holiday dedicated to this wonderful Chinese dessert. Almond cookies are very simple to make, but their taste will surprise lovers of sweet baked goods. The holiday is celebrated on April 9.


The history of National Chinese Almond Cookie Day is not known. There is also very little information about the exact time of the appearance of the cookies themselves. Most researchers agree that they began to be made on the basis of the nut cookies popular in imperial palaces in the 16th century, when the country was ruled by the Ming Dynasty. At first, pecan cookies were considered an exclusively royal dish. However, they gradually spread to the masses and became popular among ordinary people. Almonds began to be used as the nut component.

The recipe was brought to the United States by Chinese migrants who began arriving in the country in the first half of the 19th century. Americans liked the simple and delicious dessert. Often almond cookies are made as a holiday treat. Today we celebrate a day dedicated to them so we can enjoy the taste of the excellent baked goods and learn how to make them ourselves.

Interesting facts

  • Almond cookies are characterized by a sweet and pleasant taste. It is often served in restaurants after spicy and savory Asian dishes with lots of spices to cleanse the receptors.
  • The Chinese believe that making almond cookies (also called moon cookies) on New Year’s Eve will bring happiness and good luck to the home in the coming year.

How to celebrate

Visit Chinese cafes or restaurants to try almond cookies made according to the original recipe. Surprise your family and friends by making the dessert yourself. You can easily find the recipe on the Internet.

Spread the word about the holiday on social media. Ask users if they’ve tried the Chinese almond cookies. What impression did they leave?

When is National Chinese Almond Cookie Day celebrated in 2024?

National Chinese Almond Cookie Day is observed on April 9 each year.


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