Locate An Old Friend Day - September 18
Mon, Sep 18, 2023

Locate An Old Friend Day

Locate An Old Friend Day is about finding old friends. Celebrated every third Saturday in September, in 2022 it falls on September 18th. It is an excellent occasion to remember people close to you with whom you communicated in childhood, at school, at university, and find them.


It is not known who proposed this holiday. Friendship is a complex and fundamental relationship that develops between people as a result of their close relations. If there are common interests, similar outlooks on life or hobbies, rapprochement occurs faster.

Friendship helps us to live comfortably in society and improves social skills. Meanwhile, such rapprochement with a person is good for your health: in a difficult period, you can talk heart to heart and listen to advice. It always gets easier after that! Friendship eradicates the problem of loneliness.

The main goal of Locate An Old Friend Day is to find an old friend who had to leave due to circumstances. Meeting and talking with an old friend will allow you to remember pleasant events in the past, discuss many moments, and learn something new about each other.

Interesting facts

  • Psychologists believe that with friends, we perceive the world around us as more attractive, and we feel more confident.
  • According to the survey, more than 90% of active users of social networks adhere to the position that friendship is possible only through personal contact.
  • Parting with friends is more difficult for many people than with family members.

How to take part

Remember your old friend with whom you would like to talk again and start looking for them! Look for them on social networks, go to their old home – perhaps the new tenants or neighbors know where they moved.

Look through an old photo album on this day, listen to your favorite songs. Recall the funniest, most interesting or unusual events that happened during the period of friendship with a person. If you managed to find an old friend, then do it together!

When is Locate An Old Friend Day celebrated in 2023?

Locate An Old Friend Day is observed on September 18 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Monday September 18 2023
Wednesday September 18 2024
Thursday September 18 2025
Friday September 18 2026

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