International Harry Potter Day - May 2
Thu, May 2, 2024

International Harry Potter Day

Every year on May 2, fans of Harry Potter celebrate the day of their favorite hero – International Harry Potter Day. This boy became a prototype of good conquering evil. There are rumors the International Harry Potter Day was approved by the British Prime Minister.

The History

In fact, there is no confirmed evidence that David Cameron approved the holiday. But the most important thing is that the celebration exists.

The date of May 2 was not selected by chance. In JK Rowling’s novel, on May 2, the iconic battle for Hogwarts School took place, and Potter overcame the great evil menace, Lord Voldemort.

Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts about the novels:

  • The first book about Potter came out in 1997. It became the most read book in Britain.
  • These novels describe the magic world in great detail. Even the smallest details are superbly worked out, so readers can recreate the magic atmosphere in their imagination.
  • 92% of British have read the Harry Potter books. 60% said this influenced their worldview.
  • Harry Potter books show a lot of positive things: strength, love, courage, heroism, perseverance, fortitude, and character. As a result, children reading these books understand and can distinguish between good and evil faster.

When is International Harry Potter Day celebrated in 2024?

International Harry Potter Day is observed on May 2nd each year.


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