Gay Uncles Day - August
Sun, Aug 11, 2024

Gay Uncles Day

Gay Uncles Day is dedicated to gay relatives. For many years, gay people have faced discrimination. The most annoying thing is, not every family is ready to accept and support the views of even a close relative. The holiday is important for the LGBT community, to draw attention to the obstacles gay people face on a daily basis.


In the recent past, it was illegal to be gay in the United States: in 1960, the situation changed. Society made efforts to fight for human rights, and was heard. This has been a big breakthrough!

Unfortunately, it is not easy being gay these days either. Many have to keep a distance from their loved ones and relatives due to a categorical misunderstanding.

Many countries ban same-sex marriage, but the LGBT community believes in the future, people will accept their position and understand they are no different from others.

Interesting facts

Did you know that:

  • The first gay rights rally was held in 1979 in Washington. More than 100,000 people attended;
  • homosexuality was decriminalized in 2003 in all US states;
  • Gay Uncles Day is celebrated specifically on a Sunday to make it easier for families to get together;
  • Barack Obama is the first president in America to publicly support gay rights.

How to take part

The best solution is to become tolerant of the LGBT movement and understand people are different and have the right to be happy. If you belong to the community, talk to your loved ones and about this day.

It is okay to have a party, but make sure everyone present is gay friendly.

Support gay people online with #GayUnclesDay.‎

When is Gay Uncles Day celebrated in 2024?

Gay Uncles Day is observed on the second Sunday of August each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Sunday August 11 2024
Sunday August 10 2025
Sunday August 9 2026