Bavarian Crepes Day - March 22
Fri, Mar 22, 2024

Bavarian Crepes Day

Bavarian Crepes Day is an American holiday dedicated to this exquisite dessert. In Bavaria it is commonly called “palatschinke”. Today we celebrate the day of this dish by enjoying its great taste. It is celebrated annually on March 22.


The history of Bavarian Crepes Day is not reliably known. They are believed to have been made as early as the 13th century in France. However, there they were unsweetened and were often used as a substitute for bread.

They soon became popular in Bavaria. There the recipe was finalized, and these pancakes turned into a dessert! They were wrapped in tubes, and inside was the original Bavarian cream (which is made with cream). The pancakes could be topped with icing and decorated with pieces of fruit.

The recipe for Bavarian cream, which was used to make the cream filling, was invented by chef Marie-Antoine Karema around the 19th century. At least, this is the time of the found written records of the recipe.

Interesting facts

  • The word “palatschinke” has Latin and Greek roots. The final meaning of the word can be described as “flatbread,” which is what a pancake essentially is.
  • The right pancakes should be a little crispy, but not too dry.
  • In 2013, they made the tallest pancake stack ever, containing 725 pancakes. Its height was 0.82 m.

How to celebrate

Visit cafes/restaurants, where you can try Bavarian pancakes prepared by professional chefs. You can make the dessert yourself. You can make several copies with different cream if you wish! Get ready to experiment so you can surprise your friends and family with your culinary creations for sure!

Spread the word on social media. Ask other users if they have tried Bavarian pancakes and what their impression of the dessert was.

When is Bavarian Crepes Day celebrated in 2024?

Bavarian Crepes Day is observed on March 22 each year.


Weekday Month Day Year
Friday March 22 2024
Saturday March 22 2025

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